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Creating Brand Images for Social Media

By December 19, 2014April 27th, 2023Web Development

#1: Apply a uniform size and placement for your logo

Applying your logo consistently throughout your images is key to ensure they remain associated with your brand. You don’t want your logo to overpower your image, but you also don’t want it to be so small it’s unrecognizable. Find a happy medium for your logo and try to keep it consistent across all of your images.

You’ll also want to keep the position consistent for most of your graphics. You want to associate the image with your brand without being too distracting. The top left or bottom right corners tend to be good spots for placement.

Certain images may need to have the logo place differently to avoid covering important details. Try to keep the logo left or right aligned if you have to move it.

Remember consistency is key to providing quality brand recognition.

#2: Text Consistency

Many images use text on their image to provide extra information, capture additional emotion, or to provide explanation.

When you use text on your image, keep these factors in mind. Pick one or two fonts and stick with them for all of your images. If you can, use your brand font as often as you are able. If you have multiple sections of text, try to use the same font but just vary the text size, ie. heading and sub heading.

Body text can be completely different. You want it to be as readable as possible. For print images, serif texts are the way to go. They make the text flow together and are easier on the eyes. For online images though, sans serif font are best. They tend to be easier to read across a varying array of screen resolutions.

The difference between Serif and Sans Serif

Serif fonts have little feet and embellishments on the tip and base of each letter, making them more distinct and recognizable. Popular serif fonts are Times New Roman, Palatino, Georgia, Courier, Bookman and Garamond.

Nearly all books, newspapers, and magazines use a serif font. It’s popularly accepted that – in print – serif fonts are easier to read. The idea being that the serifs actually make the letters flow together – and subsequently easier on the eyes.

As the name states, ‘sans serif’ fonts are fonts without serifs. Some popular San Serif fonts are Helvetica, Arial, Calibri, Century Gothic and Verdana.

 #3: Integrate Brand Colors

I hate to be repetitive, but again, consistency is key. Using the same colors repetitively in all of your logos, text, and images helps viewers associate your images with your brand. Choose two to four colors and try to integrate them into your graphics as much as possible.

You can use to choose your colors and get the hex code (#123456) to save for future dates.

#4: Choose Images to Fit Your Theme

Whether images are used as a background or as stand-alone posts, it’s important to pick a consistent theme to build brand recognition.

What product, service or experience are you trying to sell? What are you trying to portray to your audience? What emotions are you trying to capture? Find images that answer those questions. Try to find a general theme for your images and stick with it.

#5: Use Filters To Enhance

Filters can add a wide variety of effects to your images to make them stand out. Some filters can brighten an image, other enhance colors or add effects. Before you jump in though, you should carefully analyze which ones will match your theme. It’s important to have a well thought idea of what your images should look like. When you have found a filter that matches your branding and theme, use it to create a uniform look for your images. Remember you should not rely on filters to make your image, they should only enhance it.

#6: Use Clever Product Placement

Focus your image on your logo or product. Identify feelings or experiences that will draw your audience in and try to capture them with your product.

#7: Consistent Composition Is Key

Setup templates to quickly and easier apply your chosen theme, logos, filters to images you create. This minimizes changes and keeps your images consistent. Setup a few templates to use in different scenarios. When your audience sees your familiar design, they quickly recognize that the image is yours.


Consistency has been a pretty repeated word through the article. It is probably the most important part of building social recognition for your images. Having familiar fonts, colors, and logos are all important to help your audience quickly recognize your images.

What are your thoughts? What is your favorite way to build brand recognition? Do you have any tips you would like to share?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Derrick Emery

Derrick has more than ten years background in web development.In his free time Derrick is an enthusiast of furthering his knowledge, loves taking bike rides through the woods, playing computer games with friends and cooking.

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